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Positive Reinforcement for Kids: A Basic Guide to Understanding and Practice

Book: Positive Reinforcement for Kids

"Positive Reinforcement for Kids: A Basic Guide to Understanding and Practice" explains what positive reinforcement is and what the techniques are for using positive reinforcement in a way parents and caregivers can understand and use. Positive Reinforcement for Kids is written for everyday parents and caregivers who want to expand their parenting toolkit and options.

Most books on the subject are written by academics and/or psychiatrists and tend to be technical, dry and not very user friendly. The audience for many of these books is other academics and other professionals schooled in child psychology. The audience for Positive Reinforcement for Kids is parents and caregivers just like you.

Positive Reinforcement for Kids breaks down this barrier and explains what positive reinforcement is in great detail without being too technical or boring. It covers positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment and teaches you the difference between the four. Once you know you will be shocked to see how many "professionals" get them wrong.

Once you thoroughly understand the difference between reinforcement and punishment, more complex subjects and techniques will be covered including extinction, satiation, shaping and chaining as well as schedules of reinforcement and how to use them to your advantage.

Positive Reinforcement for Kids thoroughly covers reinforcers and helps you discover what will work best for your unique situation. Also covered are token economies and other techniques. You will learn how to use positive reinforcement with one child or a whole group of children, in various settings for children as young as toddlers and as old as teenagers.

It will show you how to measure the effectiveness your program using objective metrics so you can make changes based on your child and your situation to ensure your success. Finally instead of hiding from criticisms of positive reinforcement it addresses them head on and helps you avoid some of the valid pitfalls some critics have pointed out.

Positive Reinforcement for Kids will teach you what you need to know to able to modify your child's behavior without physical punishment, yelling, hurting their self-esteem or damaging your relationship with you child or children.

Positive Reinforcement for Kids: A Basic Guide to Understanding and Practice